
Monday, January 15, 2024

Be cool, Simon Bun!

It's taking all Simon has to contain himself right now (gotta be super still and don't purr like crazy).  He doesn't want to do anything to distract River from giving more kisses!


  1. He has an iron will, nobun can resist them purrs! Also, I love how you can see River's white eye, that means she's being sneaky!

  2. Simon's doing his best to keep up the tough guy appearance, but we can tell that he's absolutely smitten with all the love he's getting from River!

    If he pretends to be asleep maybe River will continue to give him kisses since I'm sure that River would try to wake up Simon to go on adventures by giving him lots of kisses!

  3. Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!
    It is funny how I'd have to be very sneaky myself to be able to catch her giving kisses. Simon wasn't the only bun keeping up appearances! ;)
