
Thursday, January 18, 2024

Excuse me!

If you feel the need to kiss somebun, I'm right over here!


  1. She is so offended lol, I think Simon finds that licking mirror bun has a more clean and fresh taste!

  2. It's so funny how much love Simon has for the mirror buns, while River doesn't pay any attention to them.

    I think Simon likes having a friend that acts like him and thinks like him and compliments him every-time he compliments the mirror bun!

  3. Hi Mónica!
    Mirror bun is very considerate about not getting fur in Simon's mouth! XD

    Hi Tarosagi!
    It is funny how different they act towards mirror bun. River always expects to be the one getting kisses, so gets offended when mirror bun never offers any. Meanwhile, Simon is there kissing everybun he comes in contact with (and getting mirror bun kisses back)! :)
