
Tuesday, February 27, 2024

So that happened.

River realized that big human was missing and decided that she should drag her dish of paste into the center of her cage to pee on it in protest.  Not sure how that was supposed to bring big human back from his work trip, but bunny logic is a bit beyond us mere humans.

Mr. Giraffe, Esq. would like to point out that he strongly advised his client against peeing on her food, but since it did result in fresh paste, he considers that a win even though big human didn't magically materialize due to her actions.  River, unhappy with this outcome (even though second breakfast was tasty), appears to be considering escalation to bring her big human back.


  1. Maybe this was supposed to be some sort of bunny summoning ritual?
    Honestly, the audacity of some buns, she drags her food around and then pees on it!

  2. Poor River, all she wanted to do was make her big human appear since she misses him dearly, so hopefully big human comes back very soon before she escalates this further!

    I see that River is still shunning Mr. Giraffe and ignoring his legal advice as she munches on her new fresh paste!

  3. Hi Mónica!
    Honestly, I'm kinda impressed with her aim. Still not thrilled about the food wastage and clean-up, but that little bun managed to hit the bullseye without looking. ;)

    Hi Tarosagi!
    She really did. Hopefully she'll accept being distracted with lots of noogies and a lot more treats than usual (well, it's the same amount of treats, just split in half so she thinks she's getting more--don't need tummy issues to add insult to injury). Poor Mr. Giraffe really tries his best, but River is definitely a high-maintenance client! XD
