
Thursday, February 15, 2024

These are mine now.

One more pair to add to her shoe hoard! 👞👟👠👡👢🐇


  1. She won't stop until all the shoes belong to her! We should be thankful she is contained between those four walls!
    Ps: shouldn't you consider giving her some bunny sized socks/shoes? Maybe she is doing this out of envy lol

  2. She definitely wants those shoes and it looks like she wants to chew the laces as well!

    I wonder if she's ever ran off with a shoe and hid it somewhere, only for you to discover it days or weeks later?!

  3. Hi Mónica!
    You are so right--no shoes would be safe! Honestly, it never occurred to me to get her a pair of tiny baby shoes of her own, but now I think I really need to. I'll have to see if I can find something she can play with but isn't so heavy she'd hurt herself with while trying to chuck it into her water dish ('cuz you know she's totally going to do that). :)

    Hi Tarosagi!
    Oh, our old bunny, Penny, once partially chewed through one of my shoelaces out of spite knowing that as soon as I went to tie it that it would snap in my hand. She had gotten in trouble earlier for trying to eat one of my notebooks and this was her retribution. XD

    Thankfully, River was content to just sit in the shoe holder surrounded by her hoard. I suspect that the shoes were too big and unwieldy for her to abscond with one.
