
Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Another thing on his 'to do' list.

River:  I know, right?!  We should be getting kisses right now, mirror bun.

Simon:  [sigh]


  1. Even mirror River looks disgruntled! I think she should start kissing Simon's fluff which is right there at her side, and maybe she'll activate his kissing button!

  2. Poor Simon! Looks like he was getting ready to lie down and receive kisses, but instead River has demanded she receive kisses.

    I hope that Simon will oblige her, she can get feisty and quite vindictive if she doesn't get her way, she made an example of Mr. Giraffe the other day, be careful Simon!

  3. Hi Mónica!
    She really does! I could totally see her nipping Simon's tookus to get him to do her bidding rather than the more gentle approach of giving kisses to get kisses. XD

    Hi Tarosagi!
    It's always when the little fella wears himself out with zoomies and finally settles down for a well-earned nap that River would do this. No rest for the weary! ;)
