
Tuesday, March 26, 2024

It's celery time!

Happy crunching and munching ensues making the living room smell like celery with her bunny breath. 😂


  1. I didn't know bunnies could have celery breath lol!

  2. I can imagine Simon and River having silly arguments and calling each other celery-breath and broccoli-breath, or whichever veggie was Simon's favorite!

  3. Hi Mónica!
    Lol--Neither did I! It's kind of funny how potent the celery smell is and how far it wafts out of her vicinity.

    Hi Tarosagi!
    Simon would've been called carrot-breath, though if she really wanted to insult him, it would be cabbage-breath (little dude haaated the smell/taste of cabbage and would gingerly grab it with just his teeth and yeet it into his litter box to emphasize that that's where that belonged). XD
