Sunday, March 31, 2024

She was loved.

We lost River at 10:30 this morning.  She passed away peacefully in my lap with big human giving her noogies and purring away until almost the very end.  We were so lucky to have the little munchkin in our lives for 12 years.  I'm sure she's off on a grand adventure with Simon and getting up to all kinds of shenanigans!

I'm sure we'll eventually open our hearts to another pair of little ones in need of a good home, but it's going to be a while.  When we do, I'll share their ups and downs with you as I have with Simon and River.  Hugs to you all and thank you all so much for visiting the blog for all these years.


Mónica López said...

I'm terribly sorry for your loss, the little munchkin was very much loved and I'm sure she knew that till the end. River is now spicying things up and doing bunny shenanigans with her big bro Simon over the rainbow bridge. I'm so thankful you decided to share them with us, their antics and funny pictures brightened our mornings and made our worse days a tad bit sweeter. Rest in peace little girly.

Tarosagi said...

Oh sweet River. What an amazing little bun she was. I'm sure she was happy to spend her final moments with all her loved ones. I cannot imagine how difficult it must be, but I am so very sorry for your loss. She really helped bring sunshine to my days and reading about Simon and River's misadventures were a nice part of my day, and I'm sure that all your viewers can agree. Take all the time you need and thank you for letting us peer into the amazing world of bunnies and sunshine.

In East-asian mythology bunnies are believed to come from the moon and return there once they've fulfilled their duties to their families. I'll remember them when I gaze at the moon.

Have a good night River, when you awaken, go have the greatest adventure with Simon!

Anonymous said...

I'm so very sorry for your loss. You gave adorable little River Bun a wonderful life that she wouldn't have been able to experience without you. She isn't taking any regrets with her across the rainbow bridge. She is only taking stories. So so so many stories about how she had the best humans ever.

Thank you for sharing Simon and River Bun with us. They have made A LOT of my days better just by being in it. They gave me a brief moment each day where all my troubles faded away and I just focused on the bunnies, and they never failed to make me smile. The bunnies were happier for having you in their lives, and we are happier for having your bunny blog in our lives. Thank you.

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica,
Thank you and I'm sure the little munchkin is cranking the spicy up to 11 because that's how she rolled.

Hi Tarosagi,
Aww, thank you--she really was. We were both a bit surprised by how many bunny purrs she was giving us while we had her in our laps, but I think even she felt it was time to go exploring with Simon and was okay with it. That is a really cool bit of mythology and I think going forward that I will too.

Hi Anon,
Thank you so much. I'm humbled to think of how Simon and River have touched the lives of those who never got to meet them in person. It's comforting to know that they left the world a little bit brighter for having been in it, not just for us but for you all as well. That's a pretty cool legacy for two little bunnies.

Anna said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Your blog has been my morning tradition for probably over ten years. I know I don't comment much, but I have checked in with Simon and River every morning before I start work. It's become a tradition with my husband and I. We even discuss our favorite Simon and River antics.

Thank you so much for sharing so many of their adventures with us. They will both be missed.

Alex said...

Oh sweat River. I'm very sorry for your loss.
it was a ray of sunshine every morning and I loved following these adventures (or misadventures ^^).
I will miss her but I am very happy that she will be able to find her big brother again.
Good bye River, Rest in peace.

Courtney said...

Hi Anna,
Thank you both so much for making our little munchkins a tradition in your household. It's really neat to see how Simon and River touched the lives of others.

Hi Alex,
Aww, thank you. I'm sure the little one is giving Simon a run for his money trying to be an accountabilibun out of habit even though they can both get away with pretty much anything now.

Sand said...

We are so sorry for your loss. We have been following Simon and River for close to a decade.

River was a beautiful girl bun and will be deeply missed. I'm sure she will be doing binkies with Simon.

From Sandun and Shivanthika

Courtney said...

Hi Sandun and Shivanthika,
Thank you both so much. I'm sure the little munchkins are getting up to all sorts of shenanigans together. We really were fortunate to have them in our lives and be able to share their antics with you.