
Thursday, March 21, 2024

Time to eat!

The little munchkin has a schedule to keep and the cage cleaning is going to have to wait until she's done.

It was funny how she waited until I got the fresh towels down before hopping out of her spaceship/Ziploc container and gave me her 'Gimme my food, human!' look along with a baby thump.  I kept offering her various food items back until she settled on the paste I so rudely stole prior to cleaning. 😂


  1. I wonder if River was napping in her spaceship dreaming about her paste and the moment you began cleaning she decided it's time to eat!

    Similar to when someone falls asleep watching tv and the moment you turn the tv off, they immediately wake up and chastise you for shutting it off while they napped to their favorite program!

  2. Hi Tarosagi!
    You're right--I have caught her dreaming of eating stuff because she'll do little chompy mouth movements and ear twitches just like she does when she's chowing down! She was indignant when she couldn't find her food where she left it. XD

  3. Oooh she's petty, she knows a dreaded cage cleaning is coming and will interrupt her peaceful lifestyle, so she will try to delay it as much as possible!

  4. Hi Mónica!
    I don't know what it is about bunnies, but they always get so offended about the whole cage cleaning thing. For as much as they like to clean themselves, you'd think that would translate to not wanting to live in litter box filth. Oh, bunnies! ;)
