
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Baby Naomi boop!

Hello, Spike!  Thank you for being a good lifeguard for my wading pool. [gives kisses]


  1. What a sweet little girl! It cracks me up that she hasn't grown into her ears, they are so big! Is she making waterbowl swimming a habit?

  2. Aww she's so sweet!

    And Spike is doing a very good job of being the life guard of her wading pool, especially now that it's getting warmer Spike is going to have a lot of responsibility watching any bunny that uses the pool or even Mr. Giraffe or Scoots might have a dip too!

  3. Hi Mónica!
    I have a feeling Naomi's gonna be a big girl if her ears, tail, and paws are anything to go by. She may even rival Simon in size!
    Naomi will put her feet in that water dish every time she comes out to play--sometimes she's civilized about it and just steps in it, other times, she splashes through it as she runs the Bunny 500 leaving little wet paw prints on the towels! XD

    Hi Tarosagi!
    It is hilarious how much of a little waterbug Naomi is! She would flip her cardboard box and shove it into the nozzle of the water bottle to hold the valve open so the water would drip out and flood the cage so she could splash in the puddle. 20 oz of water on the bottom of her cage is why her box got confiscated. I'm just glad that the litter in her cage is super absorbent because I now have to make sure there's a patch just under the water bottle in case she tries to manually hold the valve open for funsies instead of drinking like a normal bun. She is a lovable little weirdo! XD
