
Monday, May 27, 2024

Gotta clean!

Just after we brought them home, Amos decided Mr. Giraffe was trustworthy enough to watch his back while he cleaned his belly.  The little fella definitely has his own way of doing things! 😂


  1. That is a very unique way to clean his belly and he's definitely also very trusting enough of Mr. Giraffe to show him his belly as well!

    I see a great future and partnership ahead for the two of them!

  2. He is a weird little fella, I love him and his little mermaid pose! I'm so happy he immediately recognised Mr. Giraffe as a friend to all bunkind!

  3. Hi Tarosagi and Mónica!
    It was funny, I had lost sight of Amos while trying to keep Naomi from eating the carpet and was looking around and found him like that. The little fella gets frustrated trying to reach certain spots without tipping over and just flops to get the job done. He about went in a circle to reach his tail (all 0.5 inch of it in all it's cotton ball glory) one day because it refused to cooperate with him kinda like when they try to catch an ear to clean it! Mr. Giraffe doesn't judge because he's a friend of bun (and he's way better at not laughing, unlike his human counterparts)! XD
