
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Twisty binky!

Naomi is hard at work trying to defy gravity!


  1. Good work, Naomi!

  2. Look at her go! I bet in slow motion you'd be able to see her body spin in so many directions as she attempts to land the twisty binky! I hope she cleared the landing!

  3. Step by step Naomi is slowly discovering that bunnies are in fact made of liquid! I wish many fruitful binkies to that little contortionist in training!

  4. Hi Anon!
    I'll let the little munchkin know and give her a noogie for you! :)

    Hi Tarosagi!
    That's one of those pics where I wish I had taken video instead to capture the mid-air flailing binky appropriately. No worries--she landed that binky like a champ! ;)

    Hi Mónica!
    She really makes the most out of how lanky she is when she does the contortionist binkies! It's like she's training to go into a zero-G environment or something. Amos is more traditional with his vertical binkies, though he gets some crazy hang-time with his (little dude looks like he's trying to launch himself into orbit). XD
