
Thursday, May 16, 2024

We got mail!

Naomi:  Aunt Donna made us a card!

Amos:  Thanks, Aunt Donna!!!  It's so pretty I wanna eat it!

Amos:  But I won't.  I'll eat the stamp instead!

Naomi:  Save some for me--It looks delicious!

I just want to say that it was dumb luck that I managed to get two 9 week old bunnies to stay relatively still and be pointed in the same direction long enough to get a couple of pics of them.


  1. I love this blog!
    I'm curious, what camera do you use? I'm a photographer/camera nerd and I love seeing your photos of the buns and how they have a style that is clearly not from a phone.

  2. Dear Amos and Naomi,


    I am taking a quick break from the planning sessions we are having here in the North Pole and wanted to say hi. Be very good bunnies and I will bring you something special in a few months.


    Santa Paws

  3. Hi Brendan!
    Aww, thanks--I'm glad the little munchkins can brighten your day a bit!
    I just use a little point and shoot Canon Power Shot S120 (usually set on TV mode with a high shutter speed 1/800 F 1.8 so I can catch non-blurry mid-air bunnies). It's still a lot of luck and anticipating a binky to be able to catch one, though. :)

  4. Hi Santa Paws!
    Thank you very much! We're looking forward to these treats and presents we keep hearing about--sounds super fun! We'll try to be good, but tasting everything in the living room is really hard to resist (even though little human keeps telling us to please stop that).

    Amos and Naomi

  5. They are so focused on the yummy card to move! They may be the first baby buns to settle a record of being still for a pic.

  6. Ah they're so sweet, I'm sure they were super excited to get some mail from their auntie, I'm sure she wrote them a nice and tasty letter that they both enjoyed!

    I can't imagine how difficult it must be to get both of them to hold still, when they're so excited to receive presents, gifts, and letters in the mail, I know that I would be!

  7. Hi Mónica!
    They were very curious about the card, but getting them to both focus on it at the same time was a bit of a challenge. Amos was all about taste-testing the envelope and almost ran off with it once! XD

    Hi Tarosagi!
    It was really cute how they were intrigued by the card! It took a solid hour and a half of them zooming and binkying around the living room to burn off enough energy to get them both to focus on one thing in front of them. They're still too young for any kind of treat, so I didn't have my greatest motivator for two bunnies to be faced in the same direction at once. Good thing tapping and clicking noises do wonders for baby bunny curiosity! ;)
