
Monday, August 26, 2024

Bunny bonding Day #1

Amos:  I get the need for neutral territory, but it's boring in here.

Naomi:  Speak for yourself--I'm gonna claim all the things!

Amos:  Well, at least we have Mr. Giraffe and Spike to play with!

Naomi:  I wonder if I can hop onto the counter from here.  I bet there are so many things to claim up there!

Naomi:  Yay--Big human noogies!

Amos:  I want noogies too!

A quick bunny snuggle before I let them back into their cages for a well deserved banana chip for being so good today.  We'll try giving them more time together tomorrow and see how things go.


  1. Wow, Naomi really doesn't waste any time fooling around, straight to business. If she has her way, the neutral territory won't be neutral for too long! Amos would rather have fun with his friends that thinking about silly things like chinning! I'm so happy their first day back together is going well, I'm sure there're still many hierarchy things they have to sort out between them, but it's a nice start with Big Human's noogies and a brief snuggle!

  2. Looks like the bonding is proceeding nicely! But it seems that Naomi is more concerned with chinning everything and exploring the boundaries of her domain and stealing all the noogies from big human since she's the bigger bun and can stand over poor little Amos to get all the love and affection!

  3. Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!
    She definitely has a one-track mind where claiming territory is concerned. I'm just glad that it was a positive experience for the both of them. Amos binkied into Naomi a few times (probably on purpose). XD
