
Tuesday, August 6, 2024

You can't see me!

Naomi is not the hide and seek grand champion that she thinks she is.  Her tail peeking out just cracks me up!  I can only imagine she's thinking, 'This works when Amos does it, so it'll work for me too!'


  1. Betrayed by her own butt... tragic. Lol this time there are no long girl privileges, poor girl is too tall to hide efficiently.

  2. Poor Naomi, this is one of the curses of being the bigger bun, it is more difficult for her to hide! But as far as I know, I don't see any bun there, confound it!

    Where did she go Spike?!

  3. Hi Mónica!
    Lol! Yeah, she almost got stuck in the wood rainbow tunnel the other day trying to turn around while she was inside it. That growth spurt really did a number on what she thinks she can do vs. what she can actually do.

    Hi Tarosagi!
    Aww, I'll let her know she was very good at hiding--even Spike didn't know where she was! ;)
