Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Binky boy!

Amos actually whistled as he binkied past me!  That little fella is just too precious! 💕


Tarosagi said...

I think it would be super cute if he whistled every time he hopped!

Imagine a slide whistle sound every time he jumped up and came back down, it would be unbelievable!

Courtney said...

Hi Tarosagi!
Amos is actually really vocal and whistle-buzzes a lot as he's zooming around or when he's excited for treats/pellets! I'll have to see if my phone mic can pick up the sound because it's so cute. Little fella has lots to say! :)

Mónica López said...

Look at him fly! He's floating in mid air and he remains as serious as always hahaha

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica!
Lol--Amos has a perpetual serious face! It makes it even funnier when you imagine Amos saying, "I'm having an amazing time!" :|