
Thursday, August 30, 2012


Don't let the quick oats can fool you--it's loaded with old fashioned oats (aka:  the good stuff, bunny crack 2.0).  It took me a while to figure out why River was sitting in Simon's cage looking like she's giving him instructions.  They've figured out that they only get the oats when they're in their cages, so it stands to reason that one of them must be in a cage to get the oats.  The other is tasked with figuring out how the can works.  It looks like Simon is pretty sure that the measuring scoop is the ticket to yummy oat goodness.
Simon managed to knock the oat can over and the scoop is non-functional.  It looks like they've decided that River is the one to get the oat can open.  Again, one bunny is in the cage and one is outside.  Too bad she's working on the wrong end.
Apparently, bunny patience comes with a fairly short time limit.  They've dispensed with normal oat receiving protocol and have decided to tag-team the oat can.  If they roll the can back and forth, surely the oats will come out.  They won't even be picky and require the scoop...oats are just as good straight off of the floor!  The 5 second rule won't even need to be applied because the oats won't be around for that long.

I do have to give the person who engineered that oat container credit for the cap to stay on given all of the abuse the bunnies have put it through.  Bravo good sir or madam!  On that note, I hope you all have a great weekend and I'll be back on Monday!

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