
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Bunnies' first road trip--Part 3

Since they were lacking toys at Grandma and Grandpa's house, I decided to let them play with my hat.
Apparently, hats are more awesome than I thought.  Now they're both trying to fit inside of it.
Guess it was River's turn...she looks like a little turtle dragging the hat around like that.
Once the novelty of the hat wore off, Grandma decided to open up an ancient storage crate for the bunnies to play in.  River, showing absolutely no fear, hopped right inside and started exploring.
 Simon took a bit longer to feel comfortable entering the crate.  He looks pretty proud of himself for conquering his fear.
Simon just discovered how to make the door to the crate move.
Too bad he didn't stop moving the crate's door before it trapped River on the other side of it and pinned her into a basket filled with blankets.  I ran over to free her as she had a mini freak-out since she couldn't see much of her surroundings (being deaf, her eyes are all she has).
River is seeking revenge by trying to move the crate itself to pin Simon.  She was pushing at the side of the crate so hard she almost lost her footing.  That's an angry little bun!
Having failed at her revenge plot, River is ignoring Simon.  This has turned out to be a far more effective strategy because Simon hates being ignored.  He promptly circled around her and started licking at her face (she even turned her head and leaned away from him for a bit).  Eventually she forgave him.  I still don't think he has a clue as to what he did wrong.
River is all explored out for the day!  Tune in tomorrow for the final installment of the bunnies' first road trip.

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