
Monday, April 29, 2013

The call of the wild.

The weather has been nice enough for us to finally open up the sliding glass door.  River was immediately drawn to it and Simon, being his usual high-strung self, decided that the best approach would be to slowly crawl towards this new development.
Huh.  Okay, I guess this isn't so bad and I don't think we're in immediate danger.  These new smells are amazing!
Simon decided to not push his luck with all of the new stuff, so he only hung around the open door for about a minute before he was off to more familiar things.  River was transfixed by the new sights and smells of spring.  She kept trying to put her paws on the screen door or wedge herself between the screen door and the glass one trying to explore this new frontier.
She even resorted to begging to go outside.  It was hard to say no to that little face, but there's no way we're letting either of them out on our balcony.  Oh, the call of the wild!


  1. Its been very warm in California and as soon as Bun wakes up he begs to be let outside. I usually have to usher him to go eat his breakfast but I can sympathize with the bunny pleas.


    1. Aww! Bun just wants to have fun. :)
      Playtime vs. breakfast is a hard choice for some bunnies.

      I think Simon would be all for breakfast while River would opt for playtime. Though, sometimes they both are so excited for breakfast that they hop out of their cages and run right past me doling out their food and have to circle back around when they realize their pellets aren't in their toy box. Pure excitement just short-circuits their little brains sometimes!

  2. Yeah, he either wants to go play or waits patiently on top of his cage to get his massages. Sheesh...I'm starting to think Bun's a spoiled bunny.

    The life a bunny must be great :) The things we do for our bunnies.

    1. Yep, domestication is good work if you can get it. The power of cuteness compels us! :)
