
Monday, July 15, 2013

Bunny mani-pedi time!

Simon volunteered to have his nails clipped first by climbing into my lap. 
This is how I hold them to prevent injury to either of us.  It's hard to see, but I have Simon pressed up against my chest and suspended so his back feet aren't touching anything (prevents him from kicking out or thrashing and injuring his spine).  His front right arm is pinned between the pointer and middle finger of my left hand and his other front leg is kept still with my thumb near his armpit, while his bottom is supported and his back legs kept separated by my pointer and pinkie fingers of my right hand. 
My husband clips the nails using a scissor type nail trimmer with a nail guard (prevents trimming too much) while I hold the bunny.
Simon enjoying some oats after a successful nail trim. 
Meanwhile, River has been circling the bathroom around us while thumping and making interesting vocalizations somewhere between a grunt, a honk and a squeak.  This is new for her and I can only assume because of her deafness, she can only approximate the sounds a normal hearing bunny would make.
It was clear that she was not happy in the "waiting room" and knew that her evening was only going to get worse...
Portrait of an unhappy camper. 
At this point, she's switched from vocalizing to purring in an attempt to comfort herself.  Despite many noogies and cheek rubs to calm her, she still can't see everything around her while being held and she absolutely hates that.
She started squirming too much so we let her have a few breaks to wander around the bathroom.  She's still doing her purring and thumping every now and again. 
Simon is constantly going over to her to give her nose-bonks and kisses (he'd even try to climb into my lap while we were trimming River's nails). 
It really is hard to tell what her noises mean because she's normally a little chatterbox making all sorts of purring and honking sounds as she goes about her normal day.
Finally everyone's nails are clipped and they've both crossed the "towel bridge" back into the living room.  Simon is comforting a sulking River (who refused the oats I offered her).
Simon:  Well, that wasn't too bad!  I feel quite pampered.
River:  Speak for yourself.
At least we don't have to undergo this drama again for about another 6 weeks.

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