
Monday, August 26, 2013

Let's go exploring!

When I let them out of their cages for the first time in our new apartment, Simon and River ran in tandem around the living room.
Then it turned into a game of follow the leader.
Simon seems genuinely surprised to find the mirror bunny in our new place.  He got a kiss in greeting.
River is a bit more suspicious of the mirror bunny and seems to be wondering how she got here when no forwarding address was given.
Hmm...things are different, but the same.  Time to check out more stuff!
Oh good, the Coke box made it here safely!
In the background, you can see our make-shift bunny barricade to keep them off of the manky kitchen floor until we could thoroughly scour it clean.
You climb these things?!  Nope.
I'm so going up these later!  (Spoiler alert:  The topic of tomorrow's post.)
We think they like their new home.

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