
Monday, January 6, 2014

Like night and day...

When I saw River give me this face, all I could think of was a teenager dramatically screeching, "Mom, would you please put the camera down?!  You're embarrassing me!"
Simon seems to be excitedly asking, "Did you get my good side?!"


  1. :D They're as lovely as ever! I've been meaning to ask (after leaving loads of anonymus comments around here) how come you still use blogspot and not something like tumblr? You'd get better visibility and it'd be easier for your fans (me included!) to leave comments! :D

    1. Aww, thank you! :)

      Honestly, I'm pretty new to the whole blogging thing and it simply never occurred to me to try tumblr. When I first started the blog, I had no idea which hosts were used most by other bloggers or which were easier for people to view the content in. I only knew that I needed something that was very user-friendly to get the posts/pics/videos uploaded.

      I'll have to check it out, though. I'm just running into some issue with not being able to reach the sign up page due to some "my computer doesn't like you encryption snafu (ssl_error_no_cypher_overlap)." Yet I can view other things like their 'terms of service' and 'about us' info, so, there's that.

      If I do get on tumblr or another hosting site, it'll probably take a while to get all the pics re-watermarked and transferred over. I'd still keep up this blogspot site in tandem if I did so (I think it's one of the first few hits in Google if you search bunnies and sunshine).

      Thanks for the heads-up about tumblr! :)

  2. It is one of the first hits on google which is great, but tumblr gives you the plus of a bigger community and more modern system. I don't have a blog of my own but know a lot of people who do and some that have even moved from blogspot to tumblr. Plus if you keep two at a time it shouldn't be difficult to keep them both updated with the same posts because there should be apps that do that for you.

    I thought to suggest it mainly because when I comment, I get a dropdown saying "comment as:" and it lets me choose the profile I want to comment as, and ALL of them (but for the google account) are old services that are almost not used anymore, then I looked and saw you don't often get comments and that's a shame. On a platform like tumblr (or wordpress, etc) you'd get feedback a lot easier :)

    Sorry for the professional digression, I'm a UX designer (and it doesn't help that I watch your blog mostly in the morning when I get to work and I need to start the day with a smile!)

    1. Actually, I finally figured out the encryption snafu late yesterday and created a tumblr account! Now, I just need to figure out how to navigate their site and get everything set up and the posts transferred over. Thank you for letting me know about it and how it's easier for viewers to comment on it from that site! :)

      I'll keep the blogspot site along with the new tumblr account and update them both with the same posts. It'll just take a bit to get everything set up on tumblr because of the number of posts I have.

      Thanks again and I'm glad Simon and River help you start the day with a smile! :)

  3. Uh great! Let me know when you are set up on tumblr so I can go have a look :)

    Aw of course they do, they're so cute and fluffy and compare them to my Holly and Maggie all the time

    1. Okay, I have a couple of posts from the very beginning of the blog up on Tumblr. I decided to stick with a very bare bones look since I've heard that some people aren't really fond of having to scroll to see a post.

      You can view it at:

      I'm hoping that the default mode is to enable comments from anyone because they only gave two options on commenting (the first only from people who've followed you for two weeks or more and the second only from people that you follow yourself) and I selected neither. Guess you can be the guinea pig on that one if you want.

      Give Holly and Maggie a noogie for me!

  4. Ha! I just had a peek :) It's strange what you said about comments, I'll ask my hubby (he's had a tumblr blog for ages, he'll know something!) but at least now from there I can go and click "love" and share all those awesome bunny pics.

    Will definitely give holly and maggie a scratch from you! Give one to Simon and River from me. And tell Simon that being the 'goofy' one gives him more points in adorableness :)

    1. Cool! :) Hopefully everything looks okay.
      Yeah, I ended up selecting both of those boxes later yesterday just in case it wouldn't allow any comments at all. It might be something to do with it being a free blog template and you may not get as much functionality on it (?)...or I just don't have a clue what I'm doing (which is entirely more likely). I just can't justify spending $50 on a blog template because that's the equivalent to a month's worth of food, hay and bedding for Simon and River (and they've grown accustomed to living in the lap of bunny luxury). ;)
      Aww, thanks for asking him for me and for spreading the bunny love! I'll give Simon and River a noogie from you and let Simon know goofiness=adorableness. I'm half afraid of what he'll do once he finds that out. :)

  5. There shouldn't be any less functionality with the use of free template! Tumblr is actually quite cool about that because if you're a developer you can edit the whole HTML, for free. I actually checked yesterday and I did get the option to comment your posts so everything should be fine :)
    (About bunnies living in the lap of luxury, tell me about it! My buns want Western Timothy hay alternated with Oat hay otherwise they get bored of it!)

    Ha, whatever Simon might do with that information can't be more sensational than the spread-legged binky you posted today!

    1. Oh, that's good to know about the template functionality! I know I had to edit the HTML to get Google analytics on there and I wasn't sure what all I could add to or change with the template. I'm no computer programmer, so this bit is all new to me but it's good to learn new things.

      Yay comments! I'm glad that bit is working now. :)

      Aww, your buns sound like they're keeping you on your toes with their hay schedule! They get so spoiled, don't they? :)
      I actually just introduced Oat hay to Simon and River over the holidays and they are so picky when you first introduce something new. They just kinda stared at it for a bit, then came the random sniff or nibble and finally they started eating it. Jury's still out on if they prefer it to the Western Timothy hay--but at least they're eating it and I get to sneeze and cough a little less when I give them the Oat hay. Allergies suck.

      I'll definitely keep you appraised of the Simon goofiness situation! I have this strong feeling that he's about to out-do's just a matter of time. I just hope I have the camera on when it happens. :)
