Thursday, December 11, 2014

Simon learns a valuable lesson.

Telling River that she tastes like a cootie is not an effective strategy to get groomed yourself.


Anonymous said...

Simon I've been told I smell like Bananas (or was it that I was Bananas?)...

Courtney said...

Simon says, if you do smell like bananas, be very careful of bunnies popping out of the woodwork and attempting to "taste test" you to see if you taste as good as you smell! Bunny teeth are sharp and all bets are off when bananas come into play--we get carried away. If you are in fact a banana, Simon would like you to know that this is the first time he has conversed with fruit and he's not really sure how he feels about that.

Anonymous said...

Aww:) these 2 are so cute. River looks so tiny in this pic.

Courtney said...

Aww, thanks! Yeah, she really is a tiny bun (only about 3 pounds to Simon's 4). :)