
Monday, January 22, 2018

It'll be okay...right?

River tries to console Simon.  The little guy is worried about how the government shutdown will impact them getting pellets and hay.
In their 6 years of existence, they've now experienced two government shutdowns, which is entirely too many.


  1. Don't worry buns, pellets are first priority!
    PS: I really hope things are going okay over there, because from where I am, it is kinda confusing seeing you all without a functioning goverment.

  2. @Mónica López Don't worry, even when its running its not very functional, we're used to it by now. ;3

    Simon, there will always be pellets and hay for you, so never fear. River, keep an eye on him, don't need him hoarding out of panic. ;)

  3. Simon & River should take this opportunity to perform a coup d'état. Two lops in Washington would be a drastic improvement.

  4. Hi Mónica, Reuben, and Brian!

    Aww, thanks. I've tried my best to reassure the little fella that their food supply lines are safe and warned him that attempting to hoard/appropriate his sister's pellets would be unacceptable.

    I think a lot of us Americans are getting a refresher course on civics and government as of late. Sadly, it tends to involve a fair amount of shock upon discovering that there aren't explicitly stated laws against certain things and up until now, precedent (fear of becoming un-electable if you refused to do something like make your tax returns public and divest yourself of any remote appearance of a conflict of interest) was the only thing keeping government from becoming a raging dumpster fire.

    Yeah, I think this latest shutdown has definitely sparked a renewed determination in Simon to become president. There is no way that he could do worse at this point and I think he can really leverage off of that in the next election cycle. He wants to avoid a coup d'état because he firmly believes in a peaceful transition of power and is a student of history, so he knows that those things rarely end well.
