
Monday, December 31, 2018


Simon tries to sneak in as much goofiness as he can before 2018 ends, while River races to get as many kisses as possible before the ball drops so she can beat last year's score.


  1. Hurry up, Simon! There's no time to lose!
    Lol when you see the white of a bunny's eye, you just know there are some goofy shennanigans going on.

  2. Happy New Year's Eve!

  3. Dear Simon and River Bun,

    Emperor Penguin Tuttlebaum says hi!

    I hope you enjoyed your presents! And Simon I will see about making you Presibun. I have set up a PAC for you called Lagomorphs United to be chaired by Mirror Bun.

    Also, I am thinking of retiring so Christmas will have to be slowed down since the Elves cannot take over (by law).



  4. Hi Mónica, Anon1, and Santa!

    You'll be happy to know that Simon really out-did himself this year with the goofiness and River beat her old high bunny kiss score!

    Aww, thank you! :)

    Excellent and thank you very much! We're sad that you're considering retiring, but totally understand wanting to relax and do your own thing. Perhaps the possible new Presibun could help you out a bit in the gift distribution for our little corner of North America. Hope you, Mrs. Claus, Helpful Elf and all of your Elves and reindeer have an awesome 2019!
