
Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Lessons were learned (I hope).

I did a thing.  Where's my treat?

Today, River decided it would be a good idea to start chinning any food I offered that she didn't want right that moment...or just randomly for funsies.  Unfortunately, her current diet consists mostly of ground pellet-critical care-baby food pudding-goo, so let me paint you a picture...

She ended up looking like the Swamp Thing before I cleaned her up.  Pudding-goo everywhere:  tips of her ears, chin, throat, front paws, cheeks, even her sides because you know, 'bunny cleaning'!  I ended up with almost as much soapy water on me as she got on her.  At least she would chin the kitten brush between angry meeps, so that helped remove some of it from her jaw.  I managed to get the last little bit off of her by pretending to give her whole head noogies and picking out the goo while it was still wet.

Fingers crossed she makes the connection between chinning all the things and a sponge bath.


  1. River is such a silly girl, that face she's making is priceless she gets into so much mischief and she's smiling and proud of her giant mess leaving you tired and soaked from her bath! No wonder Simon just lets her take over his cage, otherwise she'd get back at him and pull pranks!

  2. Hi Tarosagi!

    Oh, seriously! I think Simon was exhausted just watching the two of us. Initially, he was all 'look at meee!' until he realized that the attention River was getting was the opposite of what he wanted. ;)

    I guess she was feeling so proud of herself that she just shot a big smile at the camera. What a goofy darling, the messes she gets into.

  4. Hi Mónica!

    The little goof was super proud of herself for getting soapy water and food goo all over the little human to the point that she had to take a second shower that day. Re-wetted critical care is ripe!
