
Thursday, June 23, 2022

Seeking legal counsel.

Okay, Mr. Giraffe Esq., exactly how much trouble am I in for the banana chip container shenanigans?  You have lots of books, so you must know of some way to get me off the hook for this.  I refuse to face the consequences of my actions!


  1. River will not be taking the stand and will plead the fifth, I know that Mr. Giraffe Esq. who has a 100% success rate in cases has a slam dunk case, and he has two star witness Simon and Scoots McGee who are willing to testify that they didn't see River go anywhere near the banana chip container!

  2. Hi Tarosagi!

    You're right, I should probably take the settlement Mr. Giraffe Esq. offered. It consisted of me giving River noogies and tummy rubs until she falls asleep...followed by a post-nap banana chip. The little fella drives a hard bargain! ;)

  3. Uh-Oh, River this is serious, you are facing a penalty of 5 minutes in the bunny jail! I don't think your cuteness can get you out of this!

  4. Hi Mónica!

    It turns out that Mr. Giraffe knows the judge and managed to finagle probation for the little rascal! ;)
