
Thursday, April 27, 2023

You're not the boss of me!

The un-bunnies' refusal to move thwarted River's attempt to hop onto the end table.  Thus began the feud between River and the un-bunnies.  So much rabbitude and bunny butt! 😂


  1. It's the epic return of the unbunnies! I'm sure River held a grudge for years, the audacity, the nerve! Bunnies don't take no for an answer!

  2. Who knew the un-bunnies were such tricksters and pulled off their own shenanigans to foil River's plans!? Imagine Simon having to watch out for both River and the un-bunnie's shenanigans, my goodness!

  3. Hi Mónica!
    Oh, to this day she isn't a fan of either of them. Meanwhile, I have video of Simon grooming one of them, so it's safe to say that the little fella was always a peacemaker. :)

    Hi Tarosagi!
    It's a good thing that Simon had Mr. Giraffe on his side to help reign in the bunny shenanigans to an acceptable level (you know, when they'd get treats out of the deal). ;)
