
Monday, May 8, 2023

Having a snack.

River is munching away on a banana chip while Mr. Giraffe looks longingly at the bunny paste plate and Scoots McGee ponders what a Q-tip tastes like.


  1. She is even holding it with her pawsie! Ah she is so cute!

  2. Look at them all so cute in there cuddle puddle, looks like River is still bit by bit learning to share and really enjoying her super tasty banana chips and it's nice to see Mr. Giraffe taking a liking to the paste and Scoots is starting to get into his nibbling everything phase!

  3. Hi Mónica!
    I know, right?! The little munchkin is learning how to prop them up so she doesn't have to chase after them as they scoot across the floor. XD

    Hi Tarosagi!
    It is cute how into the banana chips she is. I'm glad she's started eating harder foods lately. That's a huge improvement (fingers crossed for her to start eating actual hay in the near future)! :)
