Monday, October 14, 2024

Nosey rosey!

I love how Naomi is completely flat-footed and can still set her chin on the coffee table.  This is a super power that our old bun, Simon, could only dream of!


Mónica López said...

Good Lord she's a behemoth of a rabbit! If Simon, who was already huge, could barely manage to reach the table, I wonder how her size would compare to River's!

Tarosagi said...

For a second there I thought both pictures were of Naomi, I just thought it was a picture of Naomi when she was little!

Imagine how much snacking Simon would've done if he was the same size as Naomi, and imagine how often he would win at bunper cars against River at that size, my goodness!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica!
She really is! Naomi weighed 4.32 pounds when she was spayed back in July and has probably gained a little bit since then (Amos was 3.8 pounds, which was Simon's weight full-grown). River was just over 2 pounds, so she was wee little! Naomi really is lanky and almost built like a hare.

Hi Tarosagi!
Lol--I wonder what it is with our bumblebuns and their fascination with what's up on the coffee table? I'm sure Simon would've taken full advantage to eat anything within his sphere of influence on the table! I'm just glad that Naomi seems to realize how much bigger she is compared to Amos and tries to not trample him. Given how many things she manages to run into, it's hard to tell if her momentum gets away from her, she's just clumsy, or if she just has very bad eyesight (jury's still out on that one).