Monday, February 3, 2025

Showing off.

Naomi is getting creative with her binkies!  This time, she's effortlessly showing her mastery of the crossed-paw binky.


Mónica López said...

She even stands on her tippy toes! And her arched back is so majestic too! She is beauty and she's grace!

Tarosagi said...

Naomi can binky the highest so she can pull off so many maneuvers while in the air!

I'm sure she landed that without a problem either so I'm sure its' a perfect 10 from Puff the judge!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica!
I'm pretty sure she's also spring-loaded! ;)

Hi Tarosagi!
Naomi really does use her lankiness to its full advantage with the binky hang-time she gets! Both Puff and Amos were in awe. She may just get into the Olympics if she keeps up her training. :)