Naomi celebrated her 1st Birthday by quickly snagging a bunny cookie and running back into her cage (seriously, this is the only pic I got of her).
Our best guess is that she thought she was stealing cookies from her new friend, Trippy Peep. Once she had safely eaten her birthday cookie, she came back and nose-bonked Trippy, so everything's cool between them. Everybunny knows that those cookies are good enough to steal and I think they bonded over that! 😅
Hoppy birthday, sweetheart!! May you have as many treats and noogies as your heart desires!
Lol bunnies not trusting anybody and running away once they got the treat is hilarious to me, who's gonna take it away from you, champ? The plushie?
A very happy birthday to you Naomi I hope you get lots of love and treats!!!!
Those cookies must be super delicious for her to go run off with Trippy's cookie before Trippy had a chance to notice and then come back and finish her portion, so sneaky!
It must've been a great party with so many new friends like Baab and Trippy joining the fun!
Hi Anon!
I'll give the little birthday girl (and Amos) lots of treats and noogies for you! :)
Hi Mónica!
Aww, thanks and I'll pass along your birthday wishes (in treat and noogie form, as is right and proper). She got so many treats today! Lol--I was surprised she just took it and ran since she really isn't usually food-motivated at all. XD
Hi Tarosagi!
Aww, thanks for the birthday wishes and I definitely gave her noogies and treats for you! She has been loving every minute of her very special day surrounded by new friends.
It was cute--she has taken to running back and forth with the cookie in her mouth as if to say, "Yay--I got a cookie!!!" before she starts chowing down on it. I've never seen a bun act that way after getting a treat! XD
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