
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Binky! Binky!

I caught Simon binkying sideways over River (even she looks surprised).  His happiness wasn't fully expressed with a single binky...
So he immediately did another!


  1. It looks like in the first picture River is saying "just what ARE you doing?" and in the second she's asking you "What is he doing now?" with a 'facepalm' sort of expression

    1. Yeah, she definitely tends to think he's a bit of a drama queen. It's almost like she's saying, "Would you please stop?! You're embarrassing me!"

      Then again, River is more sneaky about her own binkies--she tries to time it so I can't get it on camera because she watches for the light showing the camera is focusing on a given spot and she does her binky where the light isn't/waits for it to go off. She is scary smart. :)

  2. What camera did you used? I could never got a picture of my buns in the air like that! Amazing. ~Sylvia

    1. Hi Sylvia!

      Aww, thank you!

      I use a little point-and-shoot Canon PowerShot SD780 IS digital ELPH camera (12.1 mega pixels). I just typed what's printed on the front of the camera (hope that helps). We've had it for a few years and it's a great little camera that has withstood being dropped onto pavement the week we got it and is still functional. :)
