
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Thinking outside the box.

Simon has come up with a unique solution to cleaning his ear.  Instead of trying to grab his wayward ear with his front paws, he is pinning his ear in place with his hind foot and cleaning it that way.  Bunny ingenuity!


  1. How did you use a flash without getting the glowing "Superman heat vision" effect???

    1. Oh, make no mistake--Simon looked like a full-fledged demon bunny before I removed the red eye using Photoshop. I think some cameras now can actually do that bit for you. There might even be something in MS Photo Editor (or whatever it is that comes with your computer) that can do the same thing. Worst-case scenario, you can use MS Paint and use the watercolorbrush and go over the pupil (is the hardest way to do this). Hope that helps some! :)

    2. I have tried to Photoshop my Barney's eyes but it always looks so artificial. Almost a black eyed version of "demon bunny." You did a great job. I thought you had a special camera or equipment or bag of tricks. Thanks for the response!

    3. Aww, thank you.

      What you could do is alter the red eye removal tool settings to 100% pupil size and around 70% darken amount. That tends to make it look a bit more natural. I've also found that on the head-on shots that using the paint brush tool set around 45% opacity works pretty well when the coloring of the pupil gives the red eye removal tool trouble.

      I then always use the history brush tool to clean up around the eye at 100% opacity and lower the opacity to around 10-12% to go over the iris (and sometimes the pupil itself) if I notice the red eye removal tool darkening it too much.

      Hope that helps! You'll have to give Barney a noogie for me. :)
