
Monday, August 4, 2014

The bunnies boycott Monday.

They're staging a flop-in because they don't want to have to do stuff.


  1. Hi, I found a video of the buns doing binkies posted by the Bun Hatter and Our Rescue Rabbits Rock (both are Facegroup pages). The funny thing was it was posted by an Italian with Italian subtitles! But I recognized Simon and River :) ~Sylvia

    1. That's so cool! Thank you for sharing the link and for introducing Simon and River to them. :)

    2. Thank you for sharing the link and introducing Simon and River to your followers! Bunnies are great pets and I'm glad you're helping to let others know that. Feel free to share any posts I have that you'd like! :)

      I'll definitely check the video out! That must have taken some work to do!

    3. Just saw the video--that was great! :)

  2. Thank you for sharing the link and introducing Simon and River to your followers! Bunnies are great pets and I'm glad you're helping to let others know that. Feel free to share any posts I have that you'd like! :)

  3. Just saw the video--that was great! :)

  4. Agreed, I love the video! I just want to let Courtney aware of it, but what you did with the video was great! ~Sylvia.

  5. Awesome video! Simon and River seem sooo bikyliciously happy!

    1. Aww, thank you!

      I was really happy to have the camera with me when they started binkying up a storm (they binky quite a bit, but once they notice the camera, they become way more interested in it and try to nose-bonk it). It was just dumb luck that I caught the bunny rolls because they do them so rarely! :)
