
Friday, August 1, 2014

You're welcome.

River had a bout of early GI stasis that required me to give her aspirin and two doses of simethicone.  This is her disapproving bunny face.  It practically screams, "I can't believe you did that to me!"
"You aren't going to give me more medicine, are you?  I'm still trying to get the scent of human and wayward medicine off of me from last time!"
"If you do, I'll just put my paw up like this to block the medicine from getting into my mouth!"
She actually does this and it makes her look like a toddler with their hands covering their mouth.  She also tries to cover her head with her paws if the paw over the mouth tactic fails.
Clearly, the human doesn't realize that medicine tastes yucky.
She's feeling much better now and is back to her old self again.  She eventually hopped into my lap and forgave me for my rudeness of forcing her to take the icky tummy medicine and making her smell like human.
Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you have a great weekend!  We'll be back on Monday.

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