
Monday, May 21, 2018

Could be worse.

No matter how badly your Monday is going, you still don't have two little fuzzballs shunning you for making them suffer the indignity of a nail clipping.  They now smell like human and it is entirely my fault.


  1. "I'm not mad... im just disappointed"

  2. Love how River's head is peeking in one side and first I thought Simon had grounded himself but he's just giving you the bunny butt. Did they fight against the clipping?

  3. Hi Anon, Brian, and Mónica!

    Very, very disappointed. It's a good thing we have a stockpile of their favorite treats in order to bribe our way back into their good graces!

    So much bunny butt was thrown my way. It's like their personal version of giving me 'time out'.

    They knew what was up as soon as they had access to the stairs. I had to pull Simon out of his cage, so we were not off to a good start. Once we wrangled them into the upstairs bathroom and shut the door, it was nothing but thumps and angry 'meep' sounds from River while we clipped Simon's nails first (he has dark claws, so it takes a bit longer to make sure we don't cut the quick). He was just a quivering ball of fluff during the trim, but didn't struggle at all once I got him into position. River was just a little chatterbox with shaky paws while it was her turn. Simon is famous for trying to climb back into my lap to be with her during her trim, which is both cute and awkward at the same time. :)

  4. Yeah, nail clipping day is never fun. I always tell my bunny that his "barks"/"meeps" would be more threatening if they weren't so darn cute. That usually earns me a dirty look and some thumps. >.>

  5. Hi Reuben!

    So true! Half the time I'm not sure if River is aware that she's making noise when she's chattering away. For a deaf bun, she sure is talkative in getting her point across (for all I know, she's cussing at us like a dockworker)! The most sound we ever get out of Simon is purring, buzzing, or a hoot--all happy sounds. It's possible that Simon figures that she makes enough noise for both of them, so he feels no need to add to the 'discussion'. ;)
