
Friday, May 18, 2018

Don't even think about it.

River, I don't want to start the weekend by being grounded!!!
It's hard being an accountabilibunny.

Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you all have a great weekend!  We'll be back with more bunny cuteness on Monday.


  1. River stop! I kinda feel bad for Simon, living with such an adventurous bunny must be very stressing. Did she continue her adventure?

  2. Hi Mónica!

    After some frantic hand-waving, I managed to get River's attention and convince her not to hop onto the (very slippery glass) end table...or at least that she'd be in trouble if she did. Simon was very relieved that he'd have a playmate over the weekend since she didn't accidentally hurt herself by doing something stupid. For all of her focus and ability to follow hand-signals, River is very much a 'hold my carrot' little bun!

  3. She's a brave one lol

  4. Hi Anon!

    Yup, she's our fearless little explorer. :)

  5. Whenever I see River adventuring, I can hear the Mission Impossible theme song in my head. :D

  6. Hi Reuben!

    You know, I think you're right--she is a secret agent bun and everything she's doing is 'training'. It all makes sense now! ;)
