
Monday, May 2, 2022

A list of demands.

Simon is demanding that the weekend be extended through Monday and that he be given a second spoonful of apple baby food because it was super yummy.  He also wants another back rub.  More demands to follow...


  1. Somebun is being a spoiled brat! Look at him all relaxed and with his feetsies out! He is living the good bunny life!

  2. I complete agree with Simon I wish we could get one more day before we work again. He’s been a great big brother so I hope he gets some noogies and a treat for his hard work!

  3. Hi Mónica!

    I guess the little fella was really just demanding a spa day. XD

    Hi Tarosagi!

    Definitely! It's hard not to cave into those demands, especially when he gives the sad 'woe is Simon' look. No worries, he got lots of noogies (he'd had enough sugar for one day, so the treat had to wait for morning). :)
