
Tuesday, May 3, 2022

This injustice will not stand!

Yes, how dare I force-feed her when she's obviously hungry!

Instead of eating any one of the 9 different food offerings, River decided to have a hangry temper tantrum and wreck her cage.  On closer inspection, she even managed to rip some of the lettuce and stuff it behind her litter box.  That's a new one!


  1. Come on River, I'm sure there's something you want to eat, you sure are being very picky right now! She must not have liked anything you offered if she even shredded it and tossed it about, hopefully some fruit or a treat might help whet her appetite?

  2. The nerve of little human! Feeding a bunny that's starving! Rver has always been a little diva hahaha but I hope she's gracefully accepting the offerings and eating. Did she manage to finish it all?

  3. Hi Tarosagi and Mónica!

    I managed to get ~10ml of critical care mixed with apple baby food into her and got her all cleaned up after. That's a pretty good amount for her in one go. She has a little kitten dish I fill with alfalfa leaves, oats, hulled sunflower seeds, broken up pellets, and the occasional dried cranberry. She seems to be on an apple baby food kick and wants nothing to do with anything banana (probably sick of it at this point). Thankfully, she'll munch on parsley leaves, celery tops, and romaine, so at least she's getting some fiber in her diet.

    She's not eating a whole lot of anything, but at least she's getting some really calorie dense food in her. I'll take what I can get!
