
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Aww, bless his heart!

Simon found the bag of oats and refused to move from that spot after trying unsuccessfully to eat them through the bag.  Poor little fella was trying to bargain for something that would give him all of the colic.  Food allergies suck especially when you really like the food you're allergic to.

Thankfully, I was able to end the oat hostage drama with some extra alfalfa hay, a banana chip, and some serious noogies.


  1. Aww, Simon looks really determined and angry! Poor baby boy, I'm sure he doesn't understand why he can't eat the oats when they are one of his favorite treats, but it's for his own good!
    At least he has his little sister cheering for him on her cage!

  2. Hi Mónica!

    Yeah, the little fella always gives me a look like, "Why are you being mean to me?" when I give River oats (that's one of the few things she'll always eat). I always give him a special treat, which definitely helps but River has a constant supply of oats that I'm sure he can smell and if I kept giving him treats, he'd be spherical. [sigh]

  3. Poor Simon! He can't enjoy in such a yummy snack but at least he got a treat for his troubles, but I can see River eyeing that bag probably saying, "Bring it here Simon before the humans catch what you're doing, I'll enjoy it for you!"

  4. Hi Tarosagi!

    I'm sure River is totally willing to help keep the oats 'Out of sight, out of mind' for Simon's sake...totally no selfish motivations at all...nope, no siree! ;)
