
Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Good morning!

And she wept, for there were no more cages to conquer.

Well, River's battle with the washcloth and paper towels put her in a good mood and I managed to get a nose-bonk out of this, so that's nice!  She was not a fan of me cleaning the baby food off of her face and ear, though.


  1. At least, Rver seem happy :)

  2. That must have been some epic battle! She looks like she is swearing at you lol! Meanwhile Simon wisely decided to not intervene.

  3. She's smiling in triumph after she laid siege to her cage, but wait River, there is still Simon's cage to conquer and toss everything about, don't let Simon know I told you!

  4. Hi Alex!

    She is that! It's a good thing that cage destruction is hungry work and I have the ability to put her food back into the bowl so she can eat it. :)

    Hi Mónica!

    Judging by the carnage, the paper towels put up a valiant last stand before being torn to shreds. I think as Simon has gotten older he goes by the motto: It's River's world and I'm just living in it! XD

    Hi Tarosagi!

    Simon is just trying to blend into the woodwork and not draw her attention to himself or his cage. He also wonders whose side you're on anyway. ;)
