
Friday, September 30, 2022

Long week.

River:  Whew!  Glad this week is over with so we can relax.

Simon:  ...We don't have jobs, so relaxing is kinda what we do.  You might be rabbiting wrong.

Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you all have a great weekend!  Stay safe out there and we'll be back with more bunny cuteness on Monday.


  1. Nothing like relaxing after a long work week of bunny shenanigans! Simon is usually relaxing most of the week while River is plotting mischief and making art in her cage, it's no wonder she's tired and ready for a break and lots of kisses from Simon!

  2. Au contraire, my furry friend! Being a bun is a tough work, imagine having to be cute and fluffy 24/7, 365 days per year; scheduling naps, binkies and zoomies! No wonder River's tired!

  3. Hi Tarosagi!

    You're right--I can't believe I forgot about the bunny shenanigans! That's a fair bit of planning and wrangling of crew-mates. ;)

    Hi Mónica!

    When you put it that way, bunnies really do have a full schedule! XD
