
Thursday, September 29, 2022

Technically correct.

I'm lower, so you have to give me kisses!


  1. Bunny logic, flawless as usual. But I don't think River agrees very much with that statement.

  2. Wow, just look at Simon digging his little nose under River's fluffy cheeks, that's a check mate, Simon's nose is lower than River's mouth so now Simon is in the perfect position to be granted kisses again! Simon has amazing give me kisses technique and form!

  3. Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!

    Simon has definitely won this round of 'Who is lowest?' but River has been known to play Calvin ball with the game's rules (basically changing the rules on a whim), so suddenly the lower bun has to give the kisses. Funny how she always ends up winning her version of the game... ;)
