
Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Cranking the drama up to 11.

Blerg!  Am dead bun 'cuz no attention.

Proof of life and derpiness.

(Sorry for the poor quality.  This was a still from a video and happened to be the only frame with him sticking his tongue out.)


  1. Bunnies are so dramatic! Every minor inconvenience is the end of the world for them! On the bright side, at least we get to seem them act as goofy as Simon! I hope this boy gets some loving eventhough he should know that River right now needs the attention!

  2. Simon deserves an award for his dramatic acting, he has me convinced that he needs lots of noogies, nose rubs, and treats! I love how overly dramatic he is, how he's sticking out his tongue at you in response to all the attention River's been getting!

  3. Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!

    Bunnies really are little drama queens! At least he's in good spirits because he's letting his inner derpiness shine through. All the extra tummy rubs and treats must be working! ;)
