
Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Rabbitude readjustment.

Me:  [takes some of Simon's hay and gives it to River]

Simon:  [realizing the hay has value now]  Nooooo!  Look-look-look-I'm eating the hay now!  It's MY hay, not River's.  I'm gonna have to sleep on top of this so you can't steal any more of it.


  1. Just like a kid! Nothing like giving a toy to their sibling to make that toy the most interesting and special thing in the entire universe! At least that'll help him forget the amount of treats River is getting!

  2. Simon is so silly the moment you try to give some of his unwanted hay to his little sister, he jumps on the chance to eat hay, he's definitely very jealous right now of all the attention River is getting, so I'm glad the reverse bun psychology of taking his discarded hay made him want to munch on it!

  3. Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!

    It's been a rough couple of weeks for Simon watching all of the attention River has been getting. Unfortunately, I just picked up another 2 weeks of antibiotic for her since she still has a runny nose and the occasional sneezing fit. Thankfully she's eating wetter pellet-oat-critical care food and alfalfa on her own, so that's an improvement. Simon is just going to have to bear with us for the next little bit. I'll have to think of a special toy/treat to get him for being a good little boy. :)
