
Monday, November 7, 2022


A third round of antibiotics?  Really?  Just know that you can't hide your shoes from me forever.  I will find them and I will pee in them, mark my words!


  1. I know you're mad River, and peeing in human's shoes seems like the right thing to do after two weeks of yucky medicine and now another week too, but it's so that you get better. So do what you must, but let them give you your yucky medicine so that you feel better, we all want you to feel better River!

  2. Oooohhhh poor River...I hope you are ok !
    I think it's revenge will be terrible ahaha

  3. Ouch, third round. This sickness isn't going easy, but River is a determined little bunny she will overcome this and pee everywhere!
    PS: River you should pee in the carpet! It's not the shoes but still...

  4. Hi Tarosagi!

    Thankfully, she's been a pretty good sport about the twice daily antibiotic and children's benadryl (the latter is cherry flavored and washes away the yucky bitter antibiotic taste). We've been giving her a pro-biotic with her wet food to help prevent any tummy issues from being on the antibiotic for so long and she seems to like the flavor of the bene-bac, so that's a plus! :)

    Hi Alex!

    She seems to be slowly improving (less runny nose/sneezing/sounding stuffy-nosed) and her appetite has increased. She's even eaten some orchard grass on her own, something she hasn't done in months! :)

    Hi Mónica!

    Yeah, this round will make it 6 weeks she's been on antibiotics by the time she's done with them. Oh, she's made it her mission in life to pee on every clean towel I give her medicine on! If she somehow forgets, she immediately tries to pee in front of Simon's cage, making me dart over to fling a towel under her to prevent an even worse mess. I get the feeling she's laughing at me when I have to do this. -.-
