
Friday, November 4, 2022

One attention, please!

I'll be sneaky and pretend to have a bunch of hay stuck in my mouth and then the little human will give me as much attention as she just gave River.  I'm a genius!

He really was watching me before he enacted his plan.  I had my hands full giving River her medicine, so he went all dramatic with the hay gathering.

Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you all have a great weekend!  Stay safe out there and we'll be back with more bunny cuteness on Monday.


  1. I bet if he made a River-style performance art by tossing hay everywhere and making a big mess with his food, then he'll be able to steal some of River's limelight!

  2. Aaww baby boy he's just so cute! He is even looking at you with puppy eyes! I know this must be really hard for him, but River needs all the care right now!

  3. Hi Tarosagi!

    Oh, don't give the little fella ideas! He would totally awaken his inner Jackson Pollock if he thought it would get him extra noogies and tummy rubs. ;)

    Hi Mónica!

    He really tries to be patient, but not getting immediate noogies when my hands are full of medicine droppers and his little sister is a bit too much for him sometimes. I've had to keep them separated during this so he doesn't catch what River has, so that's doubly rough on him.

    I really hope this third round of antibiotics is able to knock the infection for her. She is making progress and hasn't sounded terribly stuffy-nosed for the past few days, so hopefully that trend continues. (fingers crossed)
