
Monday, December 19, 2022

Definitely Slytherin.

I'm starting my world takeover with Simon's cage!

She really did just hop on into his freshly cleaned and disinfected cage, peed in his litter box, sneezed on the floor, scattered wood chips on his clean towel, and tried to eat his hay.  As I scooped her out, she gave me this look of, "Do what you must, I've already won."


  1. I'm actually speechless. That's pure evilness and pettiness right there. She just lives for the chaos. I hope Simon didn't get too angry about this offense!

  2. She did win, she marked Simon's house as her own, now big human has to clean everything again, she'd definitely be sorted into Slytherin, and once she has won over the big human she will be super powerful!
