
Sunday, December 18, 2022

Simon and River's 11th Birthday!

Simon:  According to this book, we should be getting our Hogwarts acceptance letters any time now!

River:  I hope we get sorted into the same house, but I can totally see you getting sorted into Hufflepuff while I'm probably gonna be in Slytherin.  If only I didn't want to rule the world!


  1. Hoppy birthay bunnies! It's amazing how they are eleven years old but will be always tiny little babies in our hearts! I hope their day is filled with naps, noogies, and a million treats just in case their Hogwarts letters don't arrive on time.

  2. Amazing! Happy 11th Birthday River and Simon! I'm so happy to be able to see you on your birthday since I'm sure you two will be busy with lots of love and treats and presents, and don't forget to let your humans know that birthday (mid-late December birthday) presents are different from Christmas presents, but I'm sure Santa Paws knows! I hope an owl brings you letters of good news! Have a wonderful day bunnies, I'm sending lots of virtual hugs, noogies, and treats for the two of you!

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my favorite buns in the whole wide world!

  4. Hi Mónica, Tarosagi, and Anon!

    Aww, thank you so much for the birthday wishes! I'll be sure to give the little munchkins lots of noogies and treats for you! :)
