
Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Bunny logic.

Me:  Where's your foo--oh.

Me:  [trying to grab the food plate] Let's put this back where it belongs.

River: [head-butts my hand away] Noooo!  I was heating it up.  I like warm paste!

Me:  Dude, the plate is flipped over.  You can't eat it that way.  Let me have it.

River: [puts all of her 3 pound weight on my hand trying to pin it down] My paste!  Mine.

Me:  [manages to get the plate without making a mess] Here, now you can eat your food...while it's still warm.

River: [sulking intensifies] I don't want it now.


  1. I love that she thought she was being sneaky with that one lol. There's no heated food like the one you heat with your own butt, I kinda get her point. However, River needs to learn that given her white fur, if she gets dirty with the paste she will have to be cleaned, and none of us want that.

  2. Oh River! She normally shows little interest in her paste when there are more delicious treats to consider, but this time she is warming up and treating her paste like a precious treasure she refuses to let you to tamper with her food!

    Unless she was using the bottom of her dish as something to rest on while insider her spaceship?

  3. Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!
    I'm honestly amazed she didn't make more of a mess with the food. She must've frisbee'd it into her spaceship and then went in after it, propping it up like a little steering wheel paste side out. I'm lucky it stayed on the plate because that would've been a bunny bath in the sink because no amount of wet-wipes would make a dent in the mess given how much food was there.

    I don't think she was using it as a chin rest--she loves the bag clip too much (it cradles her chin perfectly).
